Annual Universal Peace Conference 2024
On Thursday, September 19, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.(U.S. Pacific Time)
at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, USA
Conference Theme
The Leadership Requred Today
How can we lead in realizing peace and a functioning society in this age of diversity and interdependence?
Date and Time
Thursday, September 19,
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.(U.S. Pacific Time)
This is a hybrid event.
* For onsite participants, pre-conference soial and post-conference receptsion will be coordinated.
1. Keynote: The purpose, objectives, and value of today's conference in a non-political community (by Steven Kim)
2. Report on the activities of the Universal Peace Connection (by Tomomasa Yagisawa, Mika Nakahara and Michelle Yamamoto)
3. Short Lecture on Connective Leadership Model, Peter Drucker's Management Concepts and peace in a functioning society (by Michael Millar)
4. Panel Discussion on Connection Leadership model for world-wide peace in this age of diversity and interdependence (by Andrew Vosko, Kebokile Dengu-Zvobgo, Michelle Bligh, Ciara Hernandez, Kunaal Kapoor and Tomomasa Yagisawa with Steven Kim as moderator)
5. Closing Remarks (by David Sprott)
Speakers & Panelists
(In order of appearance)
- Steven Kim
President, Claremont Graduate University Alumni Association, Drucker School of Management Class of 2012, Member of Universal Peace Connection - Tomomasa Yagisawa
Vice President, Drucker Workshop, Drucker School of Management Class of 2004, Member of Universal Peace Connection - Mika Nakahara
International Studies, Management Consultant, Trainer, Instructor for Nonprofit Organizations, Translator (English-Japanese), Claremont Graduate School Class of 1995, Member of Universal Peace Connection - Michelle Yamamoto
Lecturer, Hosei University, Wako University, Niigata Sangyo University, and Institute of Technologists, TV Presenter, reporter: NHK WORLD-JAPAN(Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Member of Universal Peace Connection - Michael Millar
Musician, University Educator at Cal Poly Pomona, Certified Professional Coach, Doctor of Musical Arts, Claremont Graduate University Class of 1999, Member of Universal Peace Connection - Andrew Vosko
Associate Provost and Director of Transdisciplinary Studies, Claremont Graduate University - Kebokile Dengu-Zvobgo
Associate Dean, Study Abroad and International Programs at Pitzer College; United Nations Association Pomona Valley; Rotary Club - Michelle Bligh
Executive Vice President & Provost & Professor of Organizational Behavior, Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University - Ciara Hernandez
PhD student, Social Psychology; Manager, CGU Social Identity Lab; Social Psychology Rep., Psi Chi Honors Society; Department of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University - Kunaal Kapoor
Performance Improvement Consultant at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a Current Student at Claremont Graduate University (Doctor of Public Health), Drucker School of Management Class of 2019, Member of Universal Peace Connection - David Sprott
Henry Y. Hwang Dean, Drucker School of Management, Professor of Marketing
Albrecht Auditorium, Claremont Graduate University (CGU)
925 N Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Onsite participants are also welcome to join us at the following events:
Pre-Conference Social (4:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
at Albrecht Auditorium
925 N Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Post-Conference Reception (7:00 p.m. - 7:30 pm)
at Drucker Institute Terrace
1021 N Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711
Participation Methods
For both on-site and online participation, please click the following link for registration.
Online participants will be provided the ZOOM link at a later date.
No charge
Financial donations and non-financial support are welcome !
Host Organization
Universal Peace Connection
- Claremont Graduate University
- Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management
- Claremont Graduate University Alumni Association
- United Nations Association of Pomona Valley
- United Nations Association of The Claremont Colleges
- Norie Ishii, M.D.
Let Us Hear Your Plan for Peace!
Dr. Jean Lipman-Blumen, a founding member of UPC, has developed “Peace And Prosperity: Make It Happen A Connective Leadership Strategy for Global, Enduring, And Sustainable Peace and Equitable Prosperity,” which you can read the full document on the Connective Leadershi Institute's website.
Universal Peace Connection has simplified the Peace Plan for more people to easily learn some essences of the Plan to start thinking what they can do for peace. Here is the link to the simplifed Peace Plan (a PDF document). We hope this will be an opportunity for you to read the original document and start your conversation with your friends and families on peace.
Please submit your peace plan. We may share your plan with others.
Submit your peace plan from here (Google Form).
Universal Peace Connection (UPC) is a non-profit organization that “helps us all move toward peace by thinking about what we can do for peace and sharing what we have done.”
Universal Peace Connection is comprised of people around the world who are working to come together to live in a harmonious way, hoping for a safe, happy, and healthy tomorrow for ALL people and societies.
Monthly Peace Meetings are held monthly online. If you would like to join, please send your name and e-mail address to upeaceconnect[at]